A family ministry of The Church at Argyle since 1990
Accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International
Preschool for 2's-VPK
Dedicated, well-qualified staff
Excellent transition into both public and private elementary schools

The Parent Teacher Fellowship is an organization that provides support for our school, an opportunity for parents to work in cooperation with the staff in many wonderful activities and worthy causes, and a forum for parents and teachers to discuss issues concerning the development and needs of children. Parental involvement is encouraged because early childhood programs are not a substitute for the home, but rather an extension of it. We ask that you make an honest effort to attend programs, orientation, and all other school programs whenever possible.
The PTF has been working for our school for many years. They have coordinated such events as Fall Festivals, Western Nights, Craft Bazaars, Spring Flings, Community Service projects, Annual meetings, Teachers Appreciation and more. The fundraising efforts of the PTF have purchased such items as playground equipment, library supplies, computers and other items that are well-loved and well used at our school.
Every family will have the opportunity to join and support this important organization. A new PTF board will be formed yearly at which time you will be invited to participate. Please consider using your gifts and abilities to contribute to your child’s school.
Because Argyle Christian Preschool is a non-profit organization, the tuition payments that are made to the school are used to cover teacher’s salaries, classroom supplies, administrative and janitorial costs. Special events such as Western Night, Pumpkin Patch, Spring Fling and big-ticket items, such as computers, playground equipment, and other major school improvements are often paid for by the PTF, which acquires all of its funding from fundraisers. Fundraising structure changes each year. We have in the past voted on parent contributions in lieu of fundraising. You will be informed of the PTF’s plans for this year.
2019-2020 PTF Board Members
President - Niesha Jex
Vice President - Stephanie Ribeiro
Secretary - Marisa Oxner
Treasurer - Paula Chambers, acpkbookkeeper@iargyle.com
Room Parent Coordinator - Ashley McLaughlin and Kristi Ward
Fundraising Chairperson - Miriam Simmons
Special Events Coordinator - Nina Renick
Prayer Coordinator - Sunshyne Baumgardner
Box Top Coordinator - TBD